What is sleep apnea?
Apnea literally means a temporary stop to breathing. For a formal definition of sleep apnea, these cessations in airflow need to last at least 10 seconds and occur a minimum of five times every hour. The severity of a case of sleep apnea is defined by the number of apneas that happen per hour.Asian Sex Dolls Mild cases are considered 5-15 pauses in breathing, moderate is between 15 and 30, and above 30 is considered severe, says Indira Gurubhagavatula, a professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and a member of the board of directors of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

When breathing stops repeatedly, people often wake up–sometimes gasping for air, and sleep becomes fragmented. It also leads to reduced blood oxygen levels, and when O2 concentrations drop, the body releases a surge of adrenaline to try to restore proper levels.Günstige Sexpuppen Adrenaline can make it hard to fall back asleep, but the hormone also stresses the heart, brain, and other organs over time, Gurubhagavatula tells Popular Science.


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