heavy metal music instrument
- 1 : 2024/01/06(土) 10:44:09 :
- Heavy metal music has a basic instrument arrangement: electric guitar, electric bass and drums, which constitute the "rhythm group" and "melody group" respectively. The vocals are sometimes omitted, and keyboards and piano are sometimes added.
Since heavy metal music emphasizes instruments rather than vocals, the status of singers and musicians is equal (including the position of mixing and post-production in the studio), which is different from the tradition in pop music where the lead singer plays the important role.
The electric guitar plays the most important role, because the strongly distorted guitar sound is very aggressive. Under this influence, heavy metal music can use the electric guitar to show its impact. If you use effects, the music can be more varied. In addition, the birth of heavy metal also started with the electric guitar.
Keyboards and pianos imitate the timbres of other instruments, changing different timbres to connect rhythm and melody. However, due to the limitations of their sound production principles, each timbre is not perfect.
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