After the end of World War II
- Hunter x Hunter
- 202
- 1
- 1 : 2023/06/28(水) 18:54:57 :
- What is even more puzzling is that the most frequent period of accidents is not during intense firefights, nor during emergency evacuation, but a few minutes before landing after completing the mission.
Psychologists were not surprised by this result, they said it was a typical psychological phenomenon. After high tension, once the external stimulus disappears, the human mind will have an "almost irrepressible tendency to relax".
The pilot is highly concentrated in the enemy's hail of bullets. Although the external environment is harsh, because the brain is in extreme excitement, it is not easy to make mistakes.
On the way back, the pilot became more and more relaxed. When he finally saw the familiar base and his plane was getting closer to the runway, he immediately felt a sense of security. However, it was precisely this moment of relaxation that caused catastrophe. So people call this state "false security".
On the road of life, there are also many "false security". When you have passed many difficulties and success is close at hand, don't let your guard down and slow down your pace.
Enlightenment: The terrible "false security" fact tells us that people's failures are often not at the most difficult time, but at the time when people's spirits are most relaxed.
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