1. Use a hairbrush or comb to comb the lace front wigs from the end of the hair.

First, gently comb the ends of the lace closure wigs.Use a metal wire wig brush to comb straight hair or wavy lace wigs; use a wide tooth comb or fingers to comb curly hair wigs, including natural curly or African hair wigs.

2. Fill the sink with cold water, and then squeeze 1-2 drops of shampoo.

According to the hair quality of the human hair wigs to be washed, choose the right high-quality shampoo.

3. Turn the lace closure wigs cover from inside to outside, and then immerse it in water.

Use your fingers to turn the wig from the inside out to let the hair hang loosely. Put the fake hair into the water and press down to soak all the hair strands in the water.

4. Soak the wig cover for 5 minutes.
Make sure it is completely immersed in water. There is no need to stir the human hair wigs at this time. Excessive agitation, squeezing or turning over and over can cause the hair to become knotted.

5. Rinse the wig with cold water and rinse off all the shampoo.

You can rinse it in a bucket of ice-cold water, or in the sink or shower. If the wig is very thick, it may need to be rinsed twice.

6. Apply the conditioner to the lace closure wigs.

Put a little conditioner on the lace front wigs , and then gently comb it with your fingers. If it is a front lace wig, do not apply the conditioner to the hair net.

7. Wait 2 minutes, then wash off the conditioner with cold water.

Just like on real hair, let the conditioner stay on the human hair wigs for a few minutes so that the nourishing oil can penetrate into the lace wigs and moisturize them.

human hair wigs
lace wigs
lace front wigs
headband wigs