Powerful jammer
- Another
- 455
- 1
- 1 : 2018/02/09(金) 17:56:05 :
- (https://www.jammer-buy.com/cell-phone-jammer/c-24.html )(CELL PHONE JAMMER)
With the popularity of smart phones, the use of mobile phones has become a major concern, especially in mobile phone ringtones and mobile phones. In some theatres or concert halls, it is forbidden to use mobile phones to take pictures, which will affect the performance of performers, so cell phone jammer are installed in these places.
The theater will choose to install jammers. When public order, defence and national security or judicial public services are threatened, they are still empowered. It not only prohibits the use and importation, advertising, interference with free or expensive airwaves, input loops, installation, and interference of the hold-up.
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