Ellen「Hey!!Ani!!Come to my room tonight♪(^_−)−☆」
- 1 : 2013/12/07(土) 15:03:21 :
In Ellen room
Ani「Why did you ask me to come here?///(=´∀`)人(´∀`=)」
Ellen「Haha、to tell the truth,You know my purpose very well,don’t you?You look so!!(^o^)」
Ani「…You’re right///(o^^o)」
Ellen「OK!!Let’s start!!(^o^)/」
Ani「Yeah、Here we go///*\(^o^)/*」
- 2 : 2013/12/07(土) 15:04:27 :
In bed
Ani「Ohooo!!!more!more!more hard!!」pan!pan!pan!
Ellen「Shit!!You're crazy!!Oh my god!!」pan!pan!pan!
Ani「Why?Is it your full power!?No kidding!!You have limitless sexual energy,don’t you?Don't disapoint me!!」pan!pan!pan!
Ellen「I'll do my best!! But,Your body is too sexy!! I'll reach my height soon!!」pan!pan!pan!
Ani「Never do it by yourself !! Let's do it together ,otherwise,I hate you!!」pan!pan!
Ellen「OK!!OK!! I never leave you!! Ofcourse,I wanna satisfy you!! 」pan!pan!pan!pan!
Ani「Me,too!! Ohoooooooooo!!!! How fantastic you're!!!!!!」pusyaaaaaa!!!!!
Ellen「Ohoo…I can't live without you!You’re perfect!!!」huu…huu…huu…
Ani「Really?Oh…I'm very glad to hear that!! 」huu…huu…huu…
Ellen「…Ani!!…Would you marry me?」(^_−)−☆
Ani「Oh my god…unblievable!! It's my hope that I have been waiting before!! Hug and kiss me!!!」(*^◯^*)
Ellen「Hahahaha!!You're a really pretty girl!!OK!!Come here more close to my face!!」|( ̄3 ̄)|
Ani「…I love you,Ellen///」(。-_-。)
Ellen「humm?What did you say?Ani?(´・Д・)」」
Ellen「Hahaha!Your face is red!!」(^O^)
- 3 : 2013/12/07(土) 15:05:18 :
Door Bang!!!
Mikasa「…What are you doing?…Who is she!?∑(゚Д゚)」
Ellen「Mi…Mikasa!?Wh、Why are you here?Today,you must have a lot of job!!You couldn't have got home so early!!Wh、why?((((;゚Д゚)))))))」
Ani「Ellen?Who is she?Is your sister or friend?(・・;)」
Ellen「Sh、She is…~_~;」
Mikasa「I'm Ellen's wife!!!Who are you?(´・Д・)ノ」
Ani「What?What did you say?Ellen!?Explain to me this situation!?(・_・;?」
Ellen「Oh my god…( ;´Д`)」
Mikasa「…Ellen?Did you betray me?φ(・_・」
Ellen「I’m sorry! I'm really sorry!Mikasa!!…by the way…why do you have a kitchen knife?…Mikasa?((((;゚Д゚)))))))」
Mikasa「Ellen?Do you remember our promise ?φ(・_・」
Ellen「O、Our promise?σ(^_^;)」
Mikasa「If you betrayed our love,I would kill you and comitt suicide…Did you forget?φ(・_・」
Ellen「Wh、What!?That was a joke,wasn’t it?Σ(゚д゚lll)」
Mikasa「Joke?Haha…You know my character,don’t you?I don’t like jokesφ(・_・」
Ani「ki、kill !?Is she crazy!?Ellen!!She looks serious!!Escape!!」((((;゚Д゚)))))))
Mikasa「Escape?Do you think I let you pass?φ(・_・」
Ellen「Stop!!Stop!! …OK…I prepare to be killed by you…but, at least quit killing Ani!! m(_ _)m」
Ani「E、Ellen…ε-(´∀`; )」
Mikasa「Ellen…do you love her so much than me?(つД`)〆」
Ellen「As a man,I realize that I must make atomement for my sin…thank you、Mikasa、Ani…thanks to you,I could spend happy life…σ(^_^;)」
Mikasa「That’s not fair!!…You’re sneaky to say such a thing!! I can’t…I can’t kill my dear husband!!(つД`)ノ」
Ellen「…Mikasa ε-(´∀`; )」
Ani「…Ms.Mikasa (・_・;」
- 4 : 2013/12/07(土) 15:06:00 :
Door Bang!!!
Sasha「Hey!!Ellen!Let’s have sex with me usually!! Ah…Who are they?(´・_・`)」
Mikasa「…Ellen?What happened?(−_−#)」
Ani「…Ellen?You are…(−_−#)」
Sasha「…Ellen told me "I love only you"?ψ(`∇´)ψ」
Door Bang!!!
Krista「Hey!Ellen!Your engel is coming〜♫Let’s make love to me usually〜♪…What’s this?(゚o゚;;」
Ellen「…Oh…It’s impossible to persuade them into being cool(°_°)」
Mikasa&Ani&Sasha&Krista「…Ellen?Are you ready?( ´Д`)y━・~~」
Ellen「Maybe…my life is…the end?σ(^_^;)」
Mikasa&Ani&Sasha&Krista「Yes,that’s right!! φ( ̄ー ̄ )」
…to be continued?_| ̄|○
Thank you for watching!!
I’m going to write next SS in English again and it’ll be a longer story than this one!!
Writing SS in English made me look up some unclear phrases,which helps me to brush up my English!!
So,if you study English unwillingly now,how about writing your SS in English?
Surely,you can enjoy studying English by doing it!!!
- 5 : 2013/12/07(土) 15:10:10 :
If you are free,please read these SS!!!
SS written by KANTA
- 6 : 2013/12/07(土) 15:12:05 :
- I do not understand English now.
Becouse I am tired very much.
And I do not like English the best of oll sbuject.
- 7 : 2013/12/07(土) 15:16:04 :
- ビコーズのスペルが違うよ♪
- 8 : 2013/12/07(土) 15:25:20 :
- なるほど。
- 9 : 2013/12/07(土) 17:09:15 :
- 進撃巨人俺好。頑張!支援!
- 10 : 2013/12/24(火) 17:56:04 :
- I respect you, because I cannot write English like you.
- 12 : 2013/12/28(土) 13:38:18 :
- >>11
this is me
pardon me
- 13 : 2013/12/28(土) 13:39:29 :
- ↑またログアウトしちまったwww
- 14 : 2014/03/25(火) 10:45:36 :
- I enjoyed yours story!I like it!!
- 15 : 2021/02/11(木) 15:38:25 :
- エレンのつづりが違うぞ、Ellenじゃ女性名になる。男性名はErrenかErenだぞ
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