Ethyl Acetate saler
- Another
- 35
- 1
- 1 : 2024/12/08(日) 19:27:35 :
Appearance of the Ocean
Color, APHA: 10
Physical and chemical properties of light, with berries taste of violent liquid.
Melting point-83.6℃
Heat levels of 77.1℃
Quantitative size of 0.9003
The visual indicator is 1.3723
Flash levels 4℃
Solsolubility is liquid with wet, alcohol, halogenhydrocarbon, liquids and other organic solvents, fairly soluble in water.
Product use can be used to disintegrate ink, paint, energy, etc., can also be used for color, artificial set, cheap materials, colors, medicines and spices and other organic materials
Hazmat message F-flammable items
Xi-irritating points
Interesting issues
Chance name R11-Highly dangerous.
R36-stimulating the attention.
R66-Chronic reach may develop skin moisture.
R67-Steam does induce drowsiness and dizziness.
Safety brand S16-Keep away from the fire offer.
S26-After careless contact with the sight, choose quickly scrub with a lot of liquids and implore your vet's opinion.
S33-Take steps to prevent secure energy function.
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